Pelago Dental

Not all mouthguards are created equal…

Not all mouthguards are created equal…

Not all mouthguards are created equal…

With AFL and rugby season underway, now is a good time to think about protecting your smile. A single accident can happen suddenly and unexpectedly, and cause serious damage which may be painful, permanent and require a lot of treatment to repair.

Many people think they are saving money by using a ‘boil and bite’ type mouthguard from the chemist or supermarket, which can be cheaper to buy, but may end up costing a lot more in the end if extensive treatment is required to repair the damage caused by an accident.


Why is a custom mouthguard more protective?

Custom mouthguards are made from a close fitting impression (mold), and tailored exactly to the shape and size of your mouth.  Thickness can be added for greater protection and shock absorption depending on the type of sport you are playing.  Also, you can have it made in your favourite or team colours.

Because they are made to exactly fit your mouth they are also a lot more comfortable to wear.  Just like a good pair of running shoes or footy boots, it is easier to wear, easier to breath and talk and will not fall out or move around during the game.


Top 5 Mouthguard Tips:

  1. Don’t rinse your mouthguard with sport drinks. This may be tasty but can damage your teeth causing acid wear and tooth decay. If you need to rinse, just use cold water, or occasionally some mouthwash.
  2. Mouthguards can still be worn if you have braces or are undergoing Invisalign treatment, we just make allowances for this when we take your impressions. It is possibly even more important to wear a mouthguard when you have braces, because the teeth are all joined together by the wires, so a bump to one tooth can not only affect that one but also the others near it as they are all joined together.
  3. Keep your mouthguard in the storage container provided, out of direct sunlight and heat which can cause it to warp
  4. Bring your mouthguard to your check-up appointments; that way we can check it still fits properly.
  5. If you want your name included on your mouthguard, let us know, this can be easily arranged when we make it.

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